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Kirti Suri

Kirti Suri is our Happiness Ambassador in Auckland, New Zealand. She has been residing in NewZealand with her family for nearly 18years now and well known in her social circle for her philanthropic activities and promoting Sanatan Dharma. She is also actively associated with the Hindu temple in Auckland and spends her spare time educating children there and imbibing moral values. She is a creative artist with multiskilling capabilities.

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Komal Sehrawat

Komal Sehrawat is our youngest Ambassador and leader of Jeevan Utsav Group of energetic youth brigade on mission to transform the society bit by bit, starting with Pochanpur village ( as it is said “Charity begins with Home”).She is spearheading the task to create a disease free society through chain of medical camps to diagnose various ailments and provide support for medicines to the extent possible with our meagre resources. Next on the mission is Health ,Hygine and Education for all, and Seva Satsang as a community activity.

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Meena Mehta

Meena Mehta is our Happiness Amdassador in Switzerland. Basically a computer and IT professional she worked as Asst. Professor in Delhi University teaching computer science.In 2022 she moved to Geneva ,Switzerland to join her husband working in WHO. Meena ji has a love for environment and helping people in need. She will be helping us connect with Indian diaspora and others in Switzerland to help them manage their stress, reduce carbon footprints and spread happiness.

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Mitali Mitra

Mitali Mitra is our Globe trotter Happiness Ambassador currently in Pune, Maharashtra, India. She loves traveling and sharing her travelogs promoting tourism. She has a pleasing personality and helping nature. She loves singing and connecting with people spreading smile.

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Dr.Renu Bajaj

Dr.Renu Bajaj is a scientist by profession, an amateur singer by choice and a benevolent person by heart. She has done extensive research in medicinal properties of plants at CDRI Lucknow and moved over to USA in 1983. She is Lafayette, Indianapolis and has a long tenure heading the Indian Women's Association in Lagayette, U.S. We look forward to her catalytic role in connecting with people and spreading Happiness.